Generate Upset plots of an arbitrary list of GRaNIE objects to compare connections either on the TF-peak, TF-gene, peak-gene or TF-peak-gene level.
type = c("TF-peak", "TF-gene", "TF-peak-gene", "peak-gene"),
type_TFPeak = "all.filtered",
type_TFPeak_fdr = 0.2,
type_TFPeak_r_abs = 0.4,
type_peakGene = "all.filtered",
type_peakGene_praw = 0.1,
type_peakGene_r_abs = 0.4,
compareMethod = "p",
outputDir = paste0(getwd(), "/summary"),
outputFile_prefix = "upsetPlot",
maxIntersects = 40,
plotSubsets = FALSE,
plotAsPDF = TRUE,
pdf_width = 10,
pdf_height = 10,
forceRerun = FALSE
A list of GRaNIE objects. This list can either be manually defined by constructing a list that contains an arbitrary number of GRaNIE objects or the helper functions generateGRNList_custom or generateGRNList_Seurat can be used to automatically populate that list given a specific root directory in which GRaNIE objects are located.
Character vector specifying the type of connections to compare. Options are `"TF-peak"`, `"TF-gene"`, `"TF-peak-gene"`, and `"peak-gene"`.
Character string specifying the type of TF-peak connections to consider. Default is `"all.filtered"`.
Numeric value specifying the FDR threshold for TF-peak connections. Default is `0.2`.
Numeric value specifying the absolute correlation threshold for TF-peak connections. Default is `0.4`.
Character string specifying the type of peak-gene connections to consider. Default is `"all.filtered"`.
Numeric value specifying the raw p-value threshold for peak-gene connections. Default is `0.2`.
Numeric value specifying the absolute correlation threshold for peak-gene connections. Default is `0.4`.
Character string specifying the method to compare connections. Default is `"p"`.
Character string specifying the directory to save the output files. Default is the current working directory.
Character string specifying the prefix for the output file names. Default is `"upsetPlot"`.
Integer value specifying the maximum number of intersections to plot. Default is `40`.
Logical value indicating whether to plot subsets. Default is `FALSE`.
Logical value indicating whether to save the plots as PDF files. Default is `TRUE`.
Numeric value specifying the width of the PDF plot. Default is `10`.
Numeric value specifying the height of the PDF plot. Default is `10`.
A logical value indicating whether to force rerun the function and re-generate the output even if the output files already exist on disk or in the object. Default is FALSE.
The function does not return a value but generates UpSet plots saved in the specified output directory.
if (FALSE) {
# Example usage:
GRN.list <- list(GRN1, GRN2, GRN3)
compareConnections_upsetPlots(GRN.list, type = "TF-peak", outputDir = "results/")