
This workflow vignette shows how to use the GRaNPA package in a real-world example. Importantly, you will also learn in detail how to work with a GRaNPA object and what its main functions and properties are. The vignette will be continuously updated whenever new functionality becomes available or when we receive user feedback.

In the following example, you will use example data from the GRaNPA package. It contains an filtered eGRN object reconstructed using GRaNIE package for naive macrophage data and Dorothea GRN with confidence level of A. It also includes differential expression data from naive vs infected macrophages.

## Loading required package: tidyverse
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──
##  ggplot2 3.3.3      purrr   0.3.4
##  tibble  3.1.6      dplyr   1.0.7
##  tidyr   1.1.4      stringr 1.4.0
##  readr   1.4.0      forcats 0.5.1
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Loading required package: magrittr
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     set_names
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     extract

The GRN object should always contain these two columns: ‘TF.name’, ‘gene.ENSEMBL’. additional column ‘weight’ is optional for GRNs containing weight.

GRN = GRaNPA::GRaNPA_eGRN_example
##     TF.name TF_peak.r_bin  TF_peak.r TF_peak.fdr TF_peak.fdr_orig
## 1  ALX1.0.B  (-0.55,-0.5] -0.5459238   0.1501830        0.1501830
## 2 ASCL2.0.D    [0.6,0.65)  0.6270437   0.1116630        0.1116630
## 3  BATF.0.A    [0.55,0.6)  0.5695714   0.1835308        0.1835308
## 4  BATF.0.A    [0.55,0.6)  0.5695714   0.1835308        0.1835308
## 5 CEBPB.0.A    [0.6,0.65)  0.6491679   0.1768122        0.1768122
## 6 CEBPB.0.A    [0.6,0.65)  0.6072994   0.1768122        0.1768122
##   TF_peak.fdr_direction TF_peak.connectionType                  peak.ID
## 1                   neg             expression   chr6:24757505-24758079
## 2                   pos             expression chr8:141401523-141401927
## 3                   pos             expression   chrX:20322733-20322964
## 4                   pos             expression   chrX:20322733-20322964
## 5                   pos             expression    chr19:8540624-8541142
## 6                   pos             expression  chr19:14589455-14589899
##   peak.mean peak.median   peak.CV   peak.annotation peak.GC.perc peak.width
## 1 118.66751   120.71655 0.1655064 Distal Intergenic    0.4660870        575
## 2  66.39116    59.46970 0.3724172            Intron    0.6641975        405
## 3  48.01510    44.80189 0.3906979 Distal Intergenic    0.4094828        232
## 4  48.01510    44.80189 0.3906979 Distal Intergenic    0.4094828        232
## 5  42.32361    43.40715 0.4251483            Intron    0.4971098        519
## 6  25.04228    20.25975 0.5056223            Intron    0.4966292        445
##   peak.GC.class peak_gene.distance peak_gene.r peak_gene.p_raw peak_gene.p_adj
## 1     (0.4,0.5]              16852   0.5187923    4.316523e-04     0.013773979
## 2     (0.6,0.7]               9528   0.4241387    5.121718e-03     0.070504465
## 3     (0.4,0.5]             198208   0.4689614    1.732104e-03     0.036145043
## 4     (0.4,0.5]             172822   0.5958414    3.138605e-05     0.001774220
## 5     (0.4,0.5]             177335   0.5604949    1.132026e-04     0.005011157
## 6     (0.4,0.5]              29218   0.4089397    7.167667e-03     0.087886371
##      gene.ENSEMBL    gene.mean gene.median   gene.CV gene.chr gene.start
## 1 ENSG00000112312   637.322633  635.899554 0.3476213     chr6   24774931
## 2 ENSG00000184489   201.597187  190.336310 0.5461894     chr8  141391995
## 3 ENSG00000173674  2414.981186 2060.118304 0.3981834     chrX   20124525
## 4 ENSG00000177189 10490.978458 8712.855655 0.4106422     chrX   20149911
## 5 ENSG00000167772   142.499008   86.868304 0.9472575    chr19    8363289
## 6 ENSG00000131355     6.160821    4.830357 0.7883818    chr19   14619117
##    gene.end gene.strand      gene.type gene.name
## 1  24786099           + protein_coding      GMNN
## 2 141432454           + protein_coding    PTP4A3
## 3  20141838           - protein_coding    EIF1AX
## 4  20267519           - protein_coding   RPS6KA3
## 5   8374370           + protein_coding   ANGPTL4
## 6  14690027           - protein_coding    ADGRE3

The DE dataset should always contain these three columns: ‘ENSEMBL’, ‘padj’ and ‘logFC’

DE = GRaNPA::GRaNPA_DE_example
##           ENSEMBL gene_name                           gene_synonym   baseMean
## 1 ENSG00000136688     IL36G IL-1F9,IL-1H1,IL-1RP2,IL1E,IL1F9,IL1H1 4052.35038
## 2 ENSG00000007908      SELE                  CD62E,ELAM,ELAM1,ESEL  197.22505
## 3 ENSG00000108342      CSF3           C17orf33,G-CSF,GCSF,MGC45931 4231.99980
## 4 ENSG00000214107    MAGEB1     CT3.1,DAM10,MAGE-Xp,MAGEL1,MGC9322   15.19545
## 5 ENSG00000140955     ADAD2                         FLJ00337,TENRL   46.32944
## 6 ENSG00000164400      CSF2                           GM-CSF,GMCSF 1442.87905
##          pvalue          padj padj.beforeIHW    logFC
## 1  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00 12.73449
## 2 2.321540e-133 8.296570e-132  4.658950e-132 12.52533
## 3  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00 12.40700
## 4  1.930085e-92  2.421056e-91   2.418017e-91 12.11311
## 5  2.130227e-74  2.096754e-73   2.093313e-73 12.06622
## 6  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00 12.04483


This is the main function for GRaNPA. It will train a random forest based on provided GRN to predict the DE values. Here the DE values has been filtered by adjusted pvalue 0.2 and absolute log2 fold-change 2. Please follow (?getGRNConnections) for more information.

GRaNPA_result = GRaNPA::GRaNPA_main_function(DE_data = DE, 
                                               GRN_matrix_filtered = GRN,
                                               DE_pvalue_th = 0.05,
                                               logFC_th = 2,
                                               num_run = 3,
                                               num_run_CR = 2,
                                               num_run_random = 3,
                                               cores = 20,
                                               importance = "permutation",
                                               ML_type = "regression",
                                               control = "cv",
                                               train_part = 1)
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] GRN Main evaluation function
## WARN [2021-12-15 11:06:35] In this version, the GRN should be filtered before
## WARN [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Both DE data and GRN should contain ENSEMBL ID for the Genes
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Differential expression will be filltered by 0.05 pvalue and 2 logFC
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Running GRaNPA for the Actual Network
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.2 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:06:35] Actual network number : 1
## Loading required package: lattice
## Attaching package: 'caret'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     lift
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:02] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:02]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 27.4 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:02] Actual network number : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:28] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:28]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 25.7 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:28] Actual network number : 3
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 25.8 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Actual network successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.3 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Running GRNeval for Random GRN
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Random GRN number : 1
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:07:54]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 31.7 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] Random GRN number : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.1 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 31.7 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] Random GRN number : 3
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.2 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:08:58]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 33.5 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Random GRN dataset successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.6 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Running for Complete Random
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Complete Random samples : 1
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.1 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:09:32]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 32.4 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] Complete Random samples : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.2 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 270 , 115 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:04]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:42] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:42]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 37.6 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:42] Complete Random dataset successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:42]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.2 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:42]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 4.1 mins
## [1] "finished!"

After the function finished, you can see the result as a density plot:

GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_density(GRaNPA.object = GRaNPA_result, plot_name = "density.pdf", outputFolder = ".", width = 4, height = 4)

You can also see the relation between actual log fold change and predicted log fold change:

GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_scatter(GRaNPA.object = GRaNPA_result, plot_name = "scatter.pdf", output = ".", width = 4, height = 4) 
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

And using plot_GRaNPA_TF_imp function you can see important TFs:

GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_TF_imp(GRaNPA.object = GRaNPA_result, plot_name = "TF_imp.pdf", output = ".", width = 4, height = 4) 


Here, we also run GRaNPA on the Dorothea.

GRaNPA_result_dorothea = GRaNPA::GRaNPA_main_function(DE_data = DE, 
                                               GRN_matrix_filtered = GRaNPA::GRaNPA_Dorothea_A,
                                               DE_pvalue_th = 0.2,
                                               logFC_th = 2,
                                               num_run = 3,
                                               num_run_CR = 2,
                                               num_run_random = 3,
                                               cores = 20,
                                               importance = "permutation",
                                               ML_type = "regression",
                                               control = "cv",
                                               train_part = 1)
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:47] GRN Main evaluation function
## WARN [2021-12-15 11:10:47] In this version, the GRN should be filtered before
## WARN [2021-12-15 11:10:47] Both DE data and GRN should contain ENSEMBL ID for the Genes
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:47] Differential expression will be filltered by 0.2 pvalue and 2 logFC
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:47] Running GRaNPA for the Actual Network
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:47] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:48] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:48]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:48] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:48] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:48]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.1 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:10:49] Actual network number : 1
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:12:09] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:12:09]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.3 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:12:09] Actual network number : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:13:20] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:13:20]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.2 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:13:20] Actual network number : 3
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.1 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Actual network successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 3.7 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Running GRNeval for Random GRN
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Random GRN number : 1
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:14:29]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.4 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] Random GRN number : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:15:56]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.5 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] Random GRN number : 3
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:17:26]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.4 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Random GRN dataset successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 4.4 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Running for Complete Random
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Complete Random samples : 1
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:18:53]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.7 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] Complete Random samples : 2
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] Preparing the Gene-TF Matrix.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] The matrix has been created.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0.3 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] Final data prepration finished.
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36] The dimensions of final matrix are ( 480 , 97 ).
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:20:36]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 0 secs
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:22:07] Maching learning model Finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:22:07]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 1.5 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:22:07] Complete Random dataset successfully finished
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:22:07]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 3.2 mins
## INFO [2021-12-15 11:22:07]  Finished sucessfully. Execution time: 11.3 mins
## [1] "finished!"

Here is density plot for Dorothea.

GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_density(GRaNPA.object = GRaNPA_result_dorothea, plot_name = "density_dorothea.pdf", outputFolder = ".", width = 4, height = 4)

And using plot_GRaNPA_TF_imp function you can see important TFs:

GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_TF_imp(GRaNPA.object = GRaNPA_result_dorothea, plot_name = "TF_imp.pdf", output = ".", width = 4, height = 4) 

Network comparison

if you have several network and you want to compare them together you can use boxplot function

GRN_comp = list( network1 = GRaNPA_result_dorothea, network2 = GRaNPA_result)
GRaNPA::plot_GRaNPA_boxplot(GRaNPA.object_list = GRN_comp,  name_list = c("Dorothea" , "eGRN"), plot_name = "comparison.pdf", output = "." , width = 8,height = 4)